Do I have to pay sales tax?
At this time only shipments made to addresses within the state of Florida must pay an additional 7% sales tax. All others are exempt.
How safe is the information I share with you?
Our secure servers protect your information using Firewalls and the most advanced technologies. Whenever sensitive information is being transferred between your browser and our servers, we use SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) the highest 256-bit encryption to make sure all your personal information is safe from unauthorized use.
I cannot complete my order.
In case you’re experiencing some kinds of technical issues when submitting your order please don’t worry. Our website is completely secure so any details you’re worried about will be protected. In the meantime, you can contact our customer services who will be more than happy to complete your order for you.
What happens if you don't have my item available to ship?
In a case where an order has been placed and there is no availability for the item/s, a sales representative will contact you by email or by phone to inform of the delay and give an approximate date of shipping. The representative may also suggest an alternate product for the ordered one. If only part of an order is not available to ship, the available products will be processed and shipped and the others will be backordered and shipped as soon as new inventory reaches our warehouse. At any rate, VixenHorns will not process and charge your credit card for items that are not available for shipping.
What is your delivery policy?
Vixen Horns will attempt to deliver your package anywhere in the United States. UPS delivers between the hours of 9:00 AM – 6:00 PM, M-F excluding holidays and weekends. We cannot determine exact delivery time. For more specific delivery details, please refer to your tracking number.
What do I do if I want to cancel my order?
Contact us right away. Orders that have been shipped can not be cancelled and return for refund policy will take affect.